Fun on the farm

Yesterday, we all went to Fox Squirrel Corn Maze to have some traditional autumnal fun.

Not only was it Ellie’s first hayride, but it was mine too. We had fun playing in the cornbox, admiring butterflies, eating grilled corn and picking out pumpkins. Jack even had a good old time. Continue reading “Fun on the farm”

Doing our grocery shopping

Being that as a family, we’re vegan, we tend to shy away from places like Publix for our food shopping so that we can get some more specialised food and a wider range of options.

We used to go to Whole Foods in Tampa, and still do, but we’ve also fallen in love with a local natural foods store called Rollin’ Oats.

Ellie likes going there too, since they have shopping carts (trollies) for kids. Fortunately, we have trained her well and she knows the correct aisles to shop in. Continue reading “Doing our grocery shopping”

Ellie’s eager to play on the swings [VIDEO]

Lately, we’ve been taking advantage of the lovely Florida winter weather by going to the park regularly, which Ellie really enjoys. In this video you can see her marching towards the park before noticing and calling out the swings, which is her favourite thing to play on. Continue reading “Ellie’s eager to play on the swings [VIDEO]”

The (static) electric slide [VIDEO]

Yesterday, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went to a new park in St Pete – Crisp Park. Ellie had a lot of fun playing on the slides once she got the hang of it, and it was made all the better by the static electricity that built up on the slide, causing her to have a ‘fro every time she went down. Continue reading “The (static) electric slide [VIDEO]”

Visiting Raystede Animal Sanctuary

On Christmas Eve, Mama had made plans long in advance to visit Raystede Animal Sanctuary, in Ringmer, near Lewes.

We were pleasantly surprised by how nice it was there, and we’d highly recommend visiting there and seeing all the animals in such a lovely environment. Continue reading “Visiting Raystede Animal Sanctuary”