Ellie’s rapidly expanding vocabulary

Since returning from England, Ellie’s vocabulary has been expanding very quickly. She could probably say 20 words when we got back. Now though, she’s probably in excess of 100 words and can mimic nearly any word you say (causing us to be especially careful!).

She’s learning 5-6 new words a day and just recently, she has learnt pouch, tissues, “I love you”, “I missed you” and oatmeal.

There’s nothing quite like coming home or heading to work and hearing Ellie say in her most adorable voice, “I love you!”.

Ellie’s eager to play on the swings [VIDEO]

Lately, we’ve been taking advantage of the lovely Florida winter weather by going to the park regularly, which Ellie really enjoys. In this video you can see her marching towards the park before noticing and calling out the swings, which is her favourite thing to play on. Continue reading “Ellie’s eager to play on the swings [VIDEO]”

Ellie enjoying “The Snowman” [VIDEO]

Ellie doesn’t get to watch TV at all since we’re raising her in a “low media” environment. However, after doing a surprise Christmas in January for Martina, I decided that to make it really feel like Christmas, that we’d watch The Snowman together. Her reaction to the music and animation was quite adorable. There were several moments of her having a gaping mouth, in awe of the magic. Continue reading “Ellie enjoying “The Snowman” [VIDEO]”