Celebrating Ellie making it to 2 months

To celebrate Ellie making it to 2 months, Martina and I went to have some dinner and a glass of wine. Without her.

Ok, so it might not have been with the express intention of celebrating this milestone, but it happened to fall on the same day, so we can at least pretend that we’re going out for a reason other than to enjoy some time without her!

In all seriousness though, this is the first time that Martina and I are going on a date together since we had Ellie. Oma was kind enough to look after her, now that she’s taking bottles with ease. So we’re taking advantage of it and going to enjoy dinner and a few glasses (bottles) of wine together.


Stop making breastfeeding weird

Even before I left the UK, people were starting to get a bit weird about breastfeeding in public, but it was still fairly commonplace.

After moving to the States, I’ve realised that it’s an action which is much more taboo on this side of the pond, which infuriates me to no end.

Martina showed me a blog post about it recently that sums up exactly how I feel about it, so I encourage you to read it and actively support breastfeeding mothers and stand against bigots who see naturally nourishing your child as some sort of shameful act.

Read the blog post