Ellie’s 4th birthday

Our sweet baby girl is not so little anymore. As she continues to grow, she amazes us more and more with how intelligent, funny, creative and curious she is.

For her birthday, we went to the Evergreen Air & Space Museum and Ellie had a blast looking at all of the planes and rockets.

Then, her main birthday present from us was a big girl (double) bed which she was ecstatic about. Continue reading “Ellie’s 4th birthday”

A pilot in the making

Ellie has always been pretty fascinated with planes and loves going to the airport, so she gets even more excited when she gets to go on a plane.

Almost every flight that she’s been on now, she’s been invited into the cockpit and on this latest flight, we got the best pictures yet of her. I think the pilot’s hat suits her quite well! Continue reading “A pilot in the making”

The last many months

I know. It’s been a long time. Because moving, life, busyness etc. But I’m here now.

We’ve been up to a lot since we got to Oregon back in March. We absolutely love it here and have done our fair share of exploring, getting out and about, and enjoying the outdoors. Continue reading “The last many months”

“Cinderella came to wake me”

Yesterday, Ellie went over and introduced herself to some of our neighbours and it came to pass that one of the girls was a bit older than her and had some dresses that she had outgrown which would be a good fit for Ellie.

So we brought them home and hung them up for her, telling her that we could play with them the following day. Continue reading ““Cinderella came to wake me””

January 2017

With our move to Portland coming up very quickly, we’ve had little time to update the site of late. So, rather than neglect to provide an update, I figured I’d do a quick compilation of the best pictures of Ellie that we have from the past month.

Ellie’s 4th (!) Christmas


It always seems weird to count how many times a child has experienced an annual event, because it’s always one more than their age since their birthday is the last thing they do before turning another year older. Thus, even though Ellie is only 3, this is already her fourth Christmas, which just seems nuts!

We didn’t do too much over the holiday and just enjoyed each other’s company with few other commitments to get in the way. It was much needed. Continue reading “Ellie’s 4th (!) Christmas”

When they get along…

… they’re adorable with one another.

Like any siblings, particularly those close in age, Ellie & Jack don’t always get along.

However, when they do, Ellie is so nurturing with Jack and he really shows his appreciation for her. Today, they went to the park and Ellie very sweetly took Jack’s hand and guided him down the path towards the park. 😍 Continue reading “When they get along…”

Putting her own shoes on

While packing the car up to go on a trip, I asked Ellie to put her shoes on while I got things in the car, which she’s very capable of doing.

She chose to wear a particularly snug pair of shoes so while I’m in the driveway with the car, I start to hear this dragging noise. Then from behind the car appears Ellie who had managed to get one shoe on, but couldn’t quite manage the other one, so she took the initiative to put one of Mama’s shoes on so that she could walk outside and get help from me. Genius child 😍 Continue reading “Putting her own shoes on”

Ellie’s Halloween costume

This year, Ellie decided she wanted to be a construction worker for Halloween again. Since we already had the costume, I was all about reusing something instead of spending money on something she’ll wear once.

She fits into it much better than she did last year, as if we needed more proof that she’s growing up and getting bigger all the time. Continue reading “Ellie’s Halloween costume”