That means we don’t eat people

Since we’re vegan, I’ve recently been showing Ellie how to check toiletries, food and chemicals for animal testing (denoted by a bunny symbol).

Today I bought Ellie this oatmeal that was instant to try and I made it for breakfast. It was “Bob’s Red Mill Oatmeal” and all of their products have a picture of Bob on them. She sees it and says

Because it has a picture of a man on it, that means that we don’t eat people.


Ellie getting a bike for her birthday [VIDEO]

Many months ago, Mama mentioned to Ellie the possibility of her getting a bike for her birthday and since that day, she has professed to everyone that she “is getting a bike for her birthday”.

So we couldn’t really fail her. We celebrated her birthday a little early since we had family visiting, but her reaction when she got her bike was hysterical. She had this nervous laughter that she couldn’t quite believe she got a bike. She was a bit shaky at first, but within 24 hours she’s already zooming around. Continue reading “Ellie getting a bike for her birthday [VIDEO]”

Eat your eyebrows

We were messing around while eating dinner the other night when Ellie came out with a rather frightening promise about what she was going to do to us. This was after she previously talked about throwing us in the pool and letting Ollie (the pool vacuum) suck us up.

I’m going to throw you into my arms and eat you all up. I’m going to eat your nose, your lips, your eyebrows, your eyelashes, your mouth, your arms, your tattoos…

My eyebrows!? What kind of sadist eats someones eyebrows!? I laughed nervously when she did, but I sleep with one eye open now. They seem so innocent, but when it comes down to it…

“I want to be…”

Me: “Ellie, what do you want to be when you’re older?”

Ellie: “An American.”

Me: “Well, you’re already an American. What else do you want to be?

Ellie: “Um, a girl.”

Me: “Well, you’re already that too. What else do you want to be?”

Ellie: “I want to be an engineer!”

Ellie’s really getting into building things and learning about how things work lately. Today she’s even going to help me (well, watch and learn) change the oil on my car.

Ellie asked for a dance party [VIDEO]

We don’t play too much “kids’ music” in our house (or cars). Instead, we just play what we like and Ellie has come to love it. She can pretty much sing most of Adele’s 25 (thanks to Marti) and she knows a lot of rock, dubstep and electronic rock thanks to me.

The other night we threw on some Coldplay and the way Ellie started jamming out when the chorus came along is ridiculously adorable, not to mention the “waiting finger” while she waits for it to kick in. Continue reading “Ellie asked for a dance party [VIDEO]”

Ellie’s love for Great Explorations (and its fire truck)

We’ve had a membership at Great Explorations for a few months now and Ellie loves going there. She’ll ask several times a week if we can go to “the museum”. Sometimes she’ll even ask after we just got home from the museum.

They’ve got a lot of good things for kids to play with and explore so it’s well worth the membership fee. I think the membership will pay for itself even more when summer rolls around and no one wants to be outside. Continue reading “Ellie’s love for Great Explorations (and its fire truck)”