Ellie’s 2-month picture

We did it! We survived for two full months. And to show for it, Ellie is about 2-3 lbs heavier, smiley, giggly and has started to grow in her hair.

I’ve grown quite attached to my little Ellie and I love waking up with her and coming home to her after work. She the bestest.

2 months

Height: 23.5in (89th percentile)
Weight: 10lbs 14oz (37th percentile)
Head circumference: 15.67in (89th percentile)

2 months
2 months

Stop making breastfeeding weird

Even before I left the UK, people were starting to get a bit weird about breastfeeding in public, but it was still fairly commonplace.

After moving to the States, I’ve realised that it’s an action which is much more taboo on this side of the pond, which infuriates me to no end.

Martina showed me a blog post about it recently that sums up exactly how I feel about it, so I encourage you to read it and actively support breastfeeding mothers and stand against bigots who see naturally nourishing your child as some sort of shameful act.

Read the blog post