The last many months

I know. It’s been a long time. Because moving, life, busyness etc. But I’m here now.

We’ve been up to a lot since we got to Oregon back in March. We absolutely love it here and have done our fair share of exploring, getting out and about, and enjoying the outdoors. Continue reading “The last many months”

January 2017

With our move to Portland coming up very quickly, we’ve had little time to update the site of late. So, rather than neglect to provide an update, I figured I’d do a quick compilation of the best pictures of Ellie that we have from the past month.

Ellie’s Halloween costume

This year, Ellie decided she wanted to be a construction worker for Halloween again. Since we already had the costume, I was all about reusing something instead of spending money on something she’ll wear once.

She fits into it much better than she did last year, as if we needed more proof that she’s growing up and getting bigger all the time. Continue reading “Ellie’s Halloween costume”

Closet hardcore Republican

Tonight, we were telling Ellie about how there’s a presidential election in 2 days. ThE past couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about the two main candidates and who we support. Tonight:

Ellie, who do you think should be president? Hillary or Donald Trump?

Donald Trump.

Thinking that it might have been because we used his full name and not hers:

Ellie, should Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump be president?

Donald Trump.

Maybe it’s because she always chooses the second answer…

Ellie, who should be president? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Donald Trump.

I then proceeded to explain some of the many reasons I don’t think Donald Trump should be president.

Ellie, Donald Trump treats women horribly and thinks that they’re worth less than men. Especially since having a daughter, I can’t support someone who thinks that women aren’t equal to men. Do you think women should be treated equally or that men should be treated better than women?

Men should be treated better than women.


Monthly daddy/daughter date at Starbucks and Home Depot

Recently, we came to learn that Home Depot runs a free monthly workshop for kids where they make something simple and different each month.

Locally, Home Depot just happens to be next door to Starbucks, so once a month, Ellie and I start off by having breakfast at Starbucks and then doing the class at Home Depot. Continue reading “Monthly daddy/daughter date at Starbucks and Home Depot”

Ellie getting a bike for her birthday [VIDEO]

Many months ago, Mama mentioned to Ellie the possibility of her getting a bike for her birthday and since that day, she has professed to everyone that she “is getting a bike for her birthday”.

So we couldn’t really fail her. We celebrated her birthday a little early since we had family visiting, but her reaction when she got her bike was hysterical. She had this nervous laughter that she couldn’t quite believe she got a bike. She was a bit shaky at first, but within 24 hours she’s already zooming around. Continue reading “Ellie getting a bike for her birthday [VIDEO]”

Enjoying what remains of spring

In Florida, there’s many variations to describe what seasons we have: “Hot and hotter” and “Spring and summer” are just a couple of those.

Whatever you call them, yesterday was “only” 80°F (27°C) with low humidity and a bit of a breeze, so we made the most of it and went on a bike ride before summer arrives and we stay holed up for half the year. Continue reading “Enjoying what remains of spring”

“I want to be…”

Me: “Ellie, what do you want to be when you’re older?”

Ellie: “An American.”

Me: “Well, you’re already an American. What else do you want to be?

Ellie: “Um, a girl.”

Me: “Well, you’re already that too. What else do you want to be?”

Ellie: “I want to be an engineer!”

Ellie’s really getting into building things and learning about how things work lately. Today she’s even going to help me (well, watch and learn) change the oil on my car.

“We are engineers.”

This past weekend I told Ellie that I needed to build a new cat tree that was delivered earlier in the week. She expressed a keen interest in helping me so I held off until she was able to help me.

On Sunday, we joined forces and she helped me out placing the pieces together and even tightening some bolts up. She had a great time and was really proud of herself. She went on to tell Mama that “Me and Daddy are engineers and we built a cat tree!” Continue reading ““We are engineers.””